Each year, the City of Los Angeles develops an Action Plan that serves as a guide in implementing projects and programs for federal grants to address the housing and community development needs of Los Angeles’ low-income residents. The grants fund projects such as domestic violence shelters, services for unhoused residents, construction of affordable housing, small business assistance, construction and rehabilitation of public facilities such as parks and community centers, installation of street lights, housing and services for people living with AIDS/HIV, and more.
Housing and Community Development Action Plan for PY 50 2024-2025
Below is the Mayor's Letter that begins the planning efforts for the 50th Program Year (2024-25) Annual Action Plan for the City's Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan (Con Plan).
2024-25 50th Program Year (2024-25) Annual Action Plan Budget & Summary
Mayor and City Council Reports
Please also visit Changes to Plans to view Substantial Amendments made to the original plan over the course of the year.
For questions or comments please email cifd.planning@lacity.org.
Housing and Community Development Five Year Consolidated Plan (2023-2027) and First Year Action Plan for PY 49 2023-2024
Below is the Mayor's Letter that begins the planning efforts for the 2023-27 Five Year Consolidated Plan and the 49th Program Year (2023-24) Annual Action Plan for the City's Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan (Con Plan). The letter includes PY 49 Application Instructions, PY 49 Timeline, and CDBG Expenditure Policy and Guidelines.
2023-27 5-Year Consolidated Plan & 49th Program Year (2023-24) Annual Action Plan Budget & Summary
Mayor and City Council Reports
Please also visit Changes to Plans to view Substantial Amendments made to the original plan over the course of the year.
For questions or comments please email cifd.planning@lacity.org.
HOME Investment Partnerships Program – American Rescue Plan (HOME‐ARP) Allocation Plan
In 2021 The City was awarded $99.8 million through the American Rescue Plan Act to address homelessness, which is the HOME ARP program. This document explains how the funding will be used and why. The HOME ARP Allocation Plan link takes you here:
Housing and Community Development Action Plan for PY 48 2022-2023
Below is the current plan for PY 48, covering the period July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023. Please click on the titles below to find more information.
Community Participation: Spring 2022 Summary
Mayor and City Council Reports
Please also visit Changes to Plans to view Substantial Amendments made to the original plan over the course of the year.
For questions or comments please email cifd.planning@lacity.org.
Prior Year Housing and Community Development Action Plans:
PY 47 2021-2022
Below is the current plan for PY 47, covering the period July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. Please click on the titles below to find more information.
Community Participation: Fall 2020 Summary, Spring 2021 Summary
Mayor and City Council Reports
Please also visit Changes to Plans to view Substantial Amendments made to the original plan over the course of the year.
PY 46 2020-2021
Below is the plan for PY 46, covering the period July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021. Please click on the titles below for more information.
Community Participation: Fall 2019 Summary, Spring 2020 Summary
Mayor and City Council Reports
Please also visit Changes to Plans to view Substantial Amendments made to the original plan over the course of the year.
PY 45 2019-2020
Below is the plan for Program Year 45, covering the period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020. Please click on the titles below for more information.
Mayor and City Council Reports
Please also visit Changes to Plans to view Substantial Amendments made to the original plan over the course of the year.
PY 44 2018-2019
Below is the plan for PY 44, covering the period April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. This PY was 15 months to allow for this transition of moving from an April-March PY to a July-June PY. Please click on the titles below for more information.