You may have heard your community leaders mention “CDBG” when discussing the City’s resources for improving neighborhoods. CDBG stands for Community Development Block Grant, a fund that has been around for 50 years. Congress budgets this annually and the City receives its share from the federal U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The fund addresses a wide range of community development needs including neighborhood improvements, public services, economic development, and affordable housing to name a few.
Through the City, CDBG funds are managed by CIFD and distributed according to community needs through an annual Consolidated Planning process. The Mayor, City Council, and the community have an opportunity to provide input and then funds are allocated to various City departments and nonprofit organizations to establish needed resources and services.
We see the results of CDBG through FamilySource Centers, domestic violence shelters, and local senior centers; improvements and renovations to parks and community centers; rehabilitation of homes in our neighborhoods; or through BusinessSource services and loan programs that support small businesses.
Can I get CDBG Funds?
CDBG funds are not available to individuals or awarded directly to people. The City distributes CDBG funds to programs like the Small Business Loan or the FamilySource Centers which are either managed by City Departments or operated by nonprofit or other public organizations. In those cases, the City will conduct a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to select nonprofits or contractors to implement programs using CDBG funds. However, you definitely can and should be involved in the decision-making. Everyone is encouraged to attend our Community Outreach Meetings, which will eventually be announced on this blog.
If you are a nonprofit organization, you stay informed about CDBG funding opportunities through the City’s BAVN, or Business Assistance Virtual Network.