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Programs & Resources

The Community Investment for Families Department currently oversees the following programs that work to create paths to financial security and end generational poverty for Los Angeles community residents.

Children of mixed race playing a game of tug of war


Child Care Policy and Equity

At CIFD, we know that having access to stable and reliable child care gives Angeleno families the best opportunity to thrive. Whether it's finding affordable providers or starting a child care business of your own, our child care resources are here to support you.

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Office of Immigrant Inclusion and Language Access (OIILA)

Promoting the well-being of our immigrant and refugee communities by ensuring equitable inclusion and meaningful access to programs and services.

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Big Leap Program Header




Basic Income Guaranteed: Los Angeles Economic Assistance Pilot

The City of Los Angeles has created the largest Guaranteed Income pilot in America, leading the nation in bold initiatives aimed at confronting poverty. 

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Basketball court surrounded by Palm trees

Neighborhood Improvements Projects

A program guide to help nonprofit agencies implement Neighborhood Improvement Capital Projects.

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FamilySource Centers

Serving Low-income city residents with a primary focus on families with children in middle and/or high school. The FamilySource System is comprised of a network of 19 one-stop community centers, known as FamilySource Centers (FSC), designed to assist low-income families to become more self-sufficient by increasing family income and academic achievement for youth and adults.

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4 people holding up FTPLA signboards.

Free Tax Prep L.A.

If you make less than $67,000, you may qualify for free tax prep help. 

Free Tax Prep Los Angeles is a trustworthy and stress-free way to file your taxes. Why pay to file when you may be eligible to file for free with an IRS-certified tax volunteer and get your refund sooner? 

Find Tax Help

Five women of Multi Racial posing together.

Domestic Violence / Human Trafficking Shelter

Need Help?
Providing a safe place for domestic violence and abuse survivors and resources for those needing to report or escape human trafficking and teen dating abuse.

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Community Investment For Families Hero

Solid Ground - Homelessness Prevention

The front-line program for homeless prevention, The Eviction Defense Program (EDP), helps individuals and families, threatened by eviction, stay in their homes.

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Opportunity L.A. - Children's Savings Account

Financial education program teaching both parents and young children the benefits of saving and investment toward the future!

New accounts receive a free initial deposit and are currently available for first-grade students. 

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Sharon Mccutcheon: Baby in a car seat to represent Child Passenger Safety

Office of Traffic Safety

Keeping our children safe in the streets of Los Angeles. The Office of Traffic Safety provides education on car and bike passenger safety, promoting safe behaviors and the proper use of roadways when walking or biking.

Stay Safe

Group of graduating students

Student Debt Relief

Currently, more than one in six adults in Los Angeles (16.9% of the county’s population) have student loan debt. Nearly 1.3 million borrowers owe a total of $54.5 million, with an average student debt balance of $42,060.

See within for information on programs, see if you are eligible, and learn how to access them.

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