The Community Investment for Families Department's Office of Immigrant Inclusion and Language Access (OIILA) is committed to promoting the well-being of our immigrant and refugee communities. We work to ensure equitable inclusion and meaningful access to programs and services.
Please see important Immigrants' Rights and Resources from our partners in the work:
- LAUSD We Are One: https://www.lausd.org/weareone
- Bet Tzedek Legal Services: https://bettzedek.org/resources/family-preparedness-toolkit/
- Immigrant Legal Resource Center: https://www.ilrc.org/resources/step-step-family-preparedness-plan
- LA Public Library Know Your Rights: https://www.lapl.org/newamericans/knowyourrights
- Immigration Resources: New Americans Centers: https://www.lapl.org/newamericans
- Ready for Citizenship Checklist: https://www.lapl.org/newamericans/citizenship/checklist
Red Cards here. Currently available in 24 languages.
For Informational Purposes Only.
- English
- Spanish
- Korean
- Traditional Chinese
- Simplified Chinese
- Armenian
- Tagalog/Filipino
- Farsi/Persian
- Russian
- Vietnamese
- Japanese
- Thai
- Arabic
- Hindi
- Bengali
- Khmer/Cambodian
- Hebrew
- French
- Amharic
- Punjabi
- Urdu
- Portuguese
- Hatian Creole
Additional languages will be added on an ongoing basis and can be available upon request.
Below you will find the shareable recorded presentations for Know Your Rights
English: Know Your Rights
Presented by: Immigrant Defenders Law Center and LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs
Hosted by: Los Angeles Public Library
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFjTc6bva64
Description: Join us for a Know Your Rights presentation for the immigrant community covering topics such as humanitarian immigration relief, immigration court procedures, and your Constitutional rights in the United States of America. This presentation will include important information about avoiding immigration fraud and will cover recent policy changes, how to protect your community, and how to stay safe.
Spanish: Conozca sus Derechos
Acompáñanos en una presentación de "Conozca sus Derechos" para la comunidad inmigrante, donde se tratarán temas como el alivio humanitario en inmigración, los procedimientos en la corte de inmigración y sus derechos constitucionales en los Estados Unidos. Esta presentación incluirá información importante sobre cómo evitar el fraude migratorio, así como cambios recientes en las políticas, cómo proteger a su comunidad y cómo mantenerse seguro.
Know Your Rights for Nonprofit and Small Businesses (shareable)
Presented by: Public Counsel
Public Counsel’s training on nonprofit and business owners’ rights when interacting with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel.
Find the training recording and slides here (English recording, English slides, Spanish recording, Spanish slides).
Public Counsel also has their FAQ document that includes sample policies.
- LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs Website: https://oia.lacounty.gov/
CIFD's FamilySource Centers serve Angelenos regardless of immigration status and provide services. See our 19 FamilySource Center locations here.