The City of Los Angeles coordinated the delivery of more than 1,000 air purifiers to distribute to Angelenos for free on January 27 as the City experiences poor air quality as a result of the recent devastating fires.
The air purifiers were made available to families at 14 FamilySource Centers.
“We want to help every Angeleno take steps to protect themselves and their families from the excessive and toxic air pollution caused by the recent fires. In addition to distributing air purifiers, masks are available at all our libraries, rec centers, and senior centers,” Mayor Karen Bass said. “Especially if you see or smell ash, please take precautions.”
According to the South Coast Air Quality Management District, hazardous ash may be present even if the air quality is deemed “good” or “moderate”. Winds will continue to pick up ash from fire-scarred landscapes and may spread.
The Community Investment for Families Department (CIFD) worked closely with the Mayor's Office and The Board of Public Works to expedite the delivery of air purifiers.
When spending time outside, Angelenos are encouraged to wear an N95 or P100 mask to protect themselves. The City of Los Angeles has made N95 masks available throughout Los Angeles Public Libraries, Los Angeles Recreation Centers, Los Angeles Senior Centers, and local nonprofits to protect Angelenos from toxic air quality in areas throughout the region. Visit lapl.org/branches to find your nearest library or laparks.org/reccenter to find your nearest Recreation Center/Senior Center.