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Domestic Violence Shelters:

Need Help? 

If you are in immediate danger, CALL 911 and leave as soon as possible.

If you or someone you know has been abused or threatened with abuse by an intimate partner, call the confidential 24-hour National  Domestic Violence Hotline for help today at 1 (800) 799-SAFE(7233), TTY: 1 (800) 787-3224

What is a Domestic Violence Shelter?

Domestic violence shelters are safe places where domestic violence and abuse victims can get help and temporary housing. Because many domestic violence victims are threatened with homelessness, shelters for domestic abuse victims are critical.

How Does a Domestic Violence Shelter Help Victims?

Domestic violence shelters provide victims of abuse and their children/families with immediate protection from danger through safe, emergency shelter and longer-term transitional housing for those that need it. This gives victims of abuse time to recover and rebuild their lives. Domestic violence shelters also offer a variety of services and referrals that include:

  • Counseling
  • Housing assistance
  • Employment assistance
  • Legal services

Get Help from LA Domestic Violence Shelters

​​Los Angeles has a network of agencies that provide shelter and services to victims of domestic violence. If you are a victim and seek placement at one of our shelters, please call one of the phone numbers listed below.

Domestic Violence Alliance Shelter Image

24-Hour Hotlines:

  • (800) 479-7328 Toll-Free
  • (800) 339-3940 Toll-Free/Speaks Asian languages
  • (213) 745-6434
  • (310) 379-3620
  • (310) 370-5902
  • (310) 265-6644
  • (310) 547-9343
  • (562) 388-7652
  • (818) 887-6589
  • (818) 505-0900

More Resources for Domestic Violence Victims

Below are other resources and organizations that specialize in helping domestic violence victims:

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline

Phone: (866) 331-9474

TTY: (866) 331-8453

Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office

Learn about the Family Violence Prosecution Unit here.


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The Human Trafficking Shelter Operations 

The Human Trafficking Shelter Operations (HTSO) program provides emergency and transitional shelter beds, and supportive services dedicated to adult survivors of Sex or Labor trafficking located within the City of Los Angeles.

The HTSO program provides shelter-based services and resource connections to survivors of human trafficking so they can make an appropriate transition into a long-term, safe-living environment.

If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking, please call the confidential hotline 888-KEY-TO-FREE (888-539-2373) Coalition Against Slavery and Trafficking for assistance.

The HTSO service provider offers non-judgmental social, informational, and practical support to all survivors of human trafficking; promotes safety, healing, justice, and rights; ensures a voice for survivors through victim-centered policies and practices; promotes access for survivors to a seamless network of multidisciplinary and comprehensive services to meet their needs; and advocates for victim-related services, policies as well as advocates for social, institutional, and legal change.


Domestic Violence Restraining Order Clinic Image

Domestic Violence Restraining Order Clinic

In collaboration with the LA County Bar Association (LACBA), the City launched the first fully functional restraining order clinic outside of a courthouse in LA County (LAC) in 2019. Victims who need a restraining order can go to the clinic located on the LAC+ USC Hospital Campus and obtain a 21-day temporary restraining order signed by a judge without ever having to go into the courthouse. 

A Domestic Violence advocate is available to accompany them to their permanent restraining order hearing, be it virtual or in person, giving a victim the support they need to follow through with the legal process. 

In addition to legal support, the Restraining Order Clinic offers a transportation program, which provides victims with free transportation to and from the FJC, court, and any other resource appointments. The program also supports relocation assistance for victims that need to move out of the City or State.  

For more information please see this Frequently Asked Questions

If you or someone you know needs support with obtaining a restraining order please contact:  

LACBA, Counsel for Justice Domestic Violence Project

Monday- Friday 8:30am-5pm 

1801 Marengo St. 

Los Angeles, Ca 90033


Domestic Violence & Human Trafficking Shelters: Survivors First

Survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking are increasingly poor, with fewer housing options, and with longer histories of intermittent homelessness than ever before. Many of the households served by City-funded DV/HT shelter agencies live below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), and even more troubling is the large percentage of those living at less than half of FPL. The 2020 Los Angeles Point in Time Homeless Count (PIT) identified a 16% increase of homeless persons in the City of LA since 2019, and 32% of those surveyed had experienced domestic violence. Similarly, a leading risk for DV and HT survivors is a lack of affordable, permanent housing and housing stability. 

The COVID-19 epidemic has drastically increased the barriers survivors face in obtaining economic stability. The Survivor First Program will support survivors in reestablishing themselves after the hardships of this pandemic. 

The Survivors First Homelessness Prevention Program offers flexible financial assistance to help survivors establish or maintain permanent housing. 

The key components of the Survivors First Homelessness Prevention Program include:

Survivor-driven, trauma-informed mobile advocacy: advocates meet clients wherever is convenient for them to reduce barriers to service. 

Flexible financial assistance: assistance designed to house a participant quickly and efficiently.

Community/landlord engagement: advocates dedicate time to building relationships with landlords to lessen barriers for clients and increase the chances of multiple participants being placed in units.

The Survivors First Homelessness Prevention Program is designed after a successful Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF) model, being implemented throughout the country, to support survivors with quickly moving into safe, permanent housing. The DVHF program was designed to eliminate housing as a barrier to survivors leaving an abusive relationship by providing flexible advocacy. It was designed from the lens of a survivor, which offers an alternative approach to addressing the unique needs of survivors that have proven more effective than the Coordinated Entry System in serving this specific population with a 96% success rate in people remaining permanently housed after 18 months

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